Social documentary photographer, Milton Rogovin, has been the subject of various New York Times reflections and slide shows in the last few days. Rogovin, a resident of Buffalo, New York, is known for his collection of images that document the lives of America’s ordinary  people.  His vision is shaped in part by his politics of social justice and respect for the subject.

Buffalo China, (Working People Series, 1976-1987) by Milton Rogovin (1909-)
I appreciate the coverage he is receiving as he approaches his 100th year, and over forty years of presenting the spectrum of the human experience.
Voices Silenced, Faces Preserved
Lens (photojournalism blog of The New York Times): Showcase: Milton Rogovin
Last 5 posts by Donna Thompson Ray
- Picturing U.S. History Blog: Images of Slavery as Visual Evidence - March 30th, 2009
- Radical Teacher Book Party and Benefit - March 23rd, 2009