Return of Link Friday

2011 September 16
by Ellen Noonan

Like Dick Cheney, Link Friday has been out of the public eye for many months. But it’s back now! Hawking not a memoir but some history resources you shouldn’t miss:

The Virginia Historical Society’s Unknown No Longer is a database of slave names gathered from the many records in their collections. Users see not just the names but the full documents in which they appear, such as probate inventories and bills of sale. The documents are searchable by name and occupation and the site also has a great map interface, so you can go directly to the documents from a particular Virginia city or town.  It will be a boon to genealogists and other historical researchers and VHS promises that it will continue to grow.

In case you missed it, Steve Fraser and Josh Freeman’s “The Secret History of America’s Unemployed” in Salon is a terrific account of the history of unemployment in the U.S.: as an artifact of industrial capitalism, a lived reality for workers, and an impetus for collective mobilization.

Claire Potter had a thoughtful blog post on teaching the September 11th attacks using materials in the 9.11 Digital Archive, created by ASHP and the Center for History and New Media.

And Jeremiah McCall reviewed the first installment of our Mission U.S. game at the National History Education Clearinghouse site.


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